Birkman is a behavioral professional assessment, devised by Dr. Roger Birkman in 1951, during the World War. Dr. Roger noticed the individual differences of personal perceptions that affected the pilots' performance at the time. What inspired him to developed the instrument to measure human characteristics he saw influencing behaviors, motivations, and perceptions throughout the positive psychology approach, as opposed to the traditional psychology model approach.

Millions of people and employees of thousands of companies completed the Birkman assessment, which resulted more than 50 million reports. Birkman assessment is available in more than 23 languages, and has been used by more than 400 government agencies, organizations and private companies in more than 15 different sectors around the world.

Credibility and Reliability

Validity studies have been conducted comparing to other assessments to prove the efficacy of Birkman.

Birkman scales have test-retest reliability averaging 0.85 and internal consistency reliability averaging 0.80

Birkman system checks and validates the beneficiaries' response, and if the beneficiary's answers are not confirmed as accurate, its reports are not issued unless approved by Birkman's Quality Department. Completing a one-time Birkman assessment does not require it to be returned again, so we call it “one-time investment.

Birkman Elements and Components

Birkman measures a number of key elements of the personality, you can learn about it through this video:

Birkman reports both behavioral and professional data of more than 60 reports per person. These reports can be classified into two groups:

Relational reports: shows how individual is likely to relate to other people and to the demands of work. Profile information is used to help teams work more effectively with one another, to give managers a quick overview of the motivational needs of the people who work for them, and to provide a common and neutral language for enabling people to discuss individual differences. It’s also used as a basis for conflict resolution, for coaching, and for understanding and guiding organizational development work.

Occupational reports: They are used for assistance in recruitment, selection, promotion, career guidance, outplacement, and anywhere that help is needed in aligning people and jobs. Other scales also indicate the extent to which respondents are likely to be able to relate to the demands of management positions, adapt to new social or organizational challenges, or approach learning new job skills.