At Masters Legacywe aim to deliver innovative, sustainable solutions and qualitative human experiences. So, we base our service design and delivery mainly on Design Thinking approach.

Design thinking is a creative process based on the creation and design of ideas. It provides practical and creative solutions that is proved to achieve better results in the future. The most important feature of this process is that it revolves around the human being, which complies with our mission toward humanizing our services. Empathy towards individuals or organizations helps us understand their needs, and even perceptions of problem or challenges they face and so we can provide them with appropriate solutions.

Masters Legacy in this area is able to use Birkman assessment to provide accurate analysis of the needs of others, which certainly deepens our level of empathy with our clients.

Empathy from our point of view is not only understanding our clients' feelings, but identifying and measuring their needs in a scientific, systematic, credible and highly reliable way.

Using the Birkman Needs model – which is based on getting our needs met provides us with more stamina and a flexibility that allows us to act in a positive and effective way – we offer solutions that are key to meeting needs for best performance and productivity. All of this can contribute to solve potential problems or challenges, and avoid any ineffective behavior that may result from failure to meeting those needs. This process allows us to pool our expertise with our findings to generate creative ideas and solutions that ensure our clients' needs are met. It also enables us to develop our evolutionary visions to ensure sustainability.

The colors of our approach symbolize the colors of Birkman Method:

  • Green is communicating and working with people, being able to serve them and advise them, and gaining their trust and that reflects our interests, values and mission.
  • Blue is innovation, designing, creativity, discovering new ways and solutions, and long-term strategic thinking.
  • Yellow is the color that symbolizes analysis with focus on details, setting up systematic procedures that facilitate work and monitor performance.
  • Red is implementation and action-oriented, practical action for results.

Then we come back to connect with our clients to measure their satisfaction, and take their insights, which allows us to develop and study our solutions and then transfer knowledge to ensure sustainability.

Our ability to mix these colors and work together, helped us create an integrated, people-focused model while focusing on detail and task performance. The ability to combine these differences has created a common working language that is the key to our success today.